How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? It’s my favorite holiday!
For me it is not just a day – as many see it – solely about romantic love. It’s also a holiday that revels in all types of love and caring. Inspired by my mom and dad who always made a big deal about getting me fun Valentine’s Day cards, and sometimes even a little gift, I like to use this day as motivation to build on the love in all relationships.
What if we give a little love and caring to your money?
Play with this idea a little bit with me, and imagine what it would take to build your relationship with money by “romancing it.” What might that look like for you? Keep your imagination cap on as I share an interview I had with “Money.”
I asked Money:
‘What it would look like if people romanced you?’
Here’s what I learned:
1. Show Your Money You Care – What would it look like if you paid more attention to your money? Relationships flounder if one party feels ignored. Showing more care might include:
2. Don’t be controlling – Money doesn’t like to be used as a weapon or a way to control others.
3. Have some fun with your money! For some people they are so afraid of not having enough money they hang on too tightly. Clinging is bad for all relationships. Money likes to have fun with you! Let’s grow together –4. All relationships flourish when each partner grows. How are you helping your money to grow?
5. Don’t take your money for granted – Everyone, including your money, wants to feel appreciated. Saying thank you and focusing on financial gratitude will make you and your money feel good. Here are some easy ways to do this:
6. Communicate with kindness and caring – Relationships need healthy communication. How are you talking about money? Do you catch yourself saying critical comments (to yourself or out loud) such as: There’s never enough. I’m so stressed dealing with money. I wish I didn’t have to deal with money. Or, instead are you more often saying: I’m so grateful for what money provides. I’m getting better with my money. It’s important to me to be a good steward with my money. You get the idea. Which do you think Money would like more? This makes a big impact on how often Money will show up for you. It doesn’t enjoy hanging around people who talk disparagingly about it. 7. Be a good sharer – Money loves when you use it to make things better for not just you, but others too. Nothing would make money happier than you using it as a force for good in the world. What if you decided to give like a billionaire even if you aren’t one? Money’s willing to bet that you’d not only feel great, but maybe even see your prosperity grow. 8. Build a future together – Creating a clear vision of your future gives your money something to work towards. Dream a little. Add yummy details to your vision. Create a Prosperity Picture and you’ll be giving money a goal to help you achieve. |
So if you’d like money to want to hang around with you more –
Consider being more caring, loving and generous in your relationship with money.
Not just on this Valentine’s Day, but all during the year.
Every good wish,
P.S. And when you’re ready and the time is right, let me know if you want to have a conversation about how to listen to and understand your own thoughts and beliefs when it comes to money. Email me at and put “money thoughts” in the subject line.
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